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Aweber Getting Started Videos

Video 4. Change Your Contact Information

To Change Your Billing Address

1. From any page inside your Aweber account, click on your name at the top of the page. From the drop down menu that appears, click on the "My Account" link to go to your "Account Information" page. This is where you will be able to edit the contact information that we use to reach you about your account - this is not the information that your subscribers see.

My Account

2. As you scroll down the page, you can edit the postal address that we have on file for billing and other postal mail notifications regarding your account - make sure that you check this mailing address regularly.

Billing Address

Hit "Save Settings" at the bottom of the page to save any changes that you make.

3. From the left hand side of the page, click "Notification".


Here, you can add or edit email addresses to be notified about your account. You can choose to have separate addresses for billing or other news about your account. Simply check the appropriate boxes, then click "Save Emails."

To Change The Address That Appears In Your Messages

1. To edit information that your subscribers see in your messages, choose "List Settings" under the "List Options" tab.

Sign Up Forms

2. Here, you can edit the contact address that will appear when you send an email, as well as the postal address that is sent out at the bottom of your messages. Click the "Change this address" link to update your list's contact address, but keep in mind that due to US federal law under the CAN-SPAM Act, this must be a valid postal address at which you can be reached.

Contact Address

After clicking the "Change this address" link, a window will pop up where you can choose one of the previously approved addresses you submitted, or use a different address. Choose the radio button for your selection choice, and then click "Save Address".

Change Your Address

Once your changes are complete, click "Save Settings" at the bottom of the page.

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