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Email Marketing Quick Tips

Video 2. Quick Tips: Growing Your List with Webinars

Learn how to grow your email list using webinars: why you should use them, how to increase sign ups and what to send viewers once the webinar is over.

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How do I integrate GoToWebinar with AWeber?

GoToWebinar is a service where you can conduct do-it-yourself webinars with up to 1,000 people. This can be a great tool to include multiple parties in a webinar from all around the globe. With the AWeber integration through Zapier, you can benefit from GoToWebinar by capturing subscribers who register for your webinar.

The AWeber integration with GoToWebinar through Zapier allows you to have subscribers added to your AWeber mailing list when they register for your webinar.

Step by Step Instructions

1. First, click the "Make A Zap" option in the top right of your account.

2. Then select, or search for, GoToWebinar in the "Choose a Trigger App" options.

3. Now, choose the trigger you want to prompt subscribers being added to a list. For this example we have selected "New Attendee".

4. Once selected, click "Save + Continue".

5. Select the GoToWebinar account you would like to use for this integration.

6. Click "Save + Continue".

7. Next, select the webinar you will be promoting next from the "Upcoming Webinar" options.

8. Click "Continue".

9. Once you've clicked "Continue", click "Continue" again to complete the Trigger step.

10. Now, select AWeber from the option in the "Choose an Action App" menu

11. Then, set the action you would like to occur when a subscriber signs up for your webinar. In this example, we've selected "Create Subscriber".

12. Click "Save + Continue"

13. After selecting the action, choose the AWeber account you would like to connect.

14. Click "Save + Continue".

15. Next, you'll be prompted to select the information you would like to collect when a subscriber is added to your list. Click on "Account ID", "List ID" and "Email".

16. Then click "Continue".

17. Next, you'll be prompted to test the integration with subscriber information.

18. To test this integration, click "Create & Continue". Otherwise, select "Skip Test & Continue".

Click "Create & Continue

19. Once you've skipped, or tested this integration, click "Continue" to complete the Action step.

Click "Continue"

20. Lastly, be sure to turn on your Zap by toggling the "Your Zap Is..." switch to ON.

Click toggle button to "Turn Zap" on

Congratulations. You've successfully created your integration with GoToWebinar through Zaper. Subscribers who sign up for your webinar will be added to your list in AWeber. Check out the section below for the most used Zaps.


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Al's Aweber Automated Email Marketing Blog
1021 Brixton Ct
Sterling, Loudoun County 20164


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